SD31 GOP Convention 2024
The SD31 Republicans 2024 Convention will be held at the:
The Courtyards of Andover
13545 Martin St NW
Andover, MN 55304
Saturday, March 30, 2024
at 10:30 a.m.
Registration opens at 9:30AM and closes 30 minutes after the convention is called to order.
The Senate District 31 Republican convention shall be composed of delegates and alternates elected at the 2024 precinct caucuses. A quorum is required to transact any business. Your attendance is extremely important
The convention shall be held for the purpose of:
- Endorsing candidates for MN House for SD 31 (A side & B side)
- Electing delegates and alternates to the congressional district and state conventions
- Considering and adopting resolutions
- Reviewing and approving proposed changes to the SD31 Republicans Constitution.
- Transacting other business that may properly come before the convention.
Convention Registration
We encourage you to register for the convention as soon as possible. You can save $10 by registering early. The deadline for early registration is: Sunday, March 17, 2024 at 11:59pm.
The early registration fee is:
- Delegates and alternates: $75
- Guests over the age of 18: $75
- Underaged guests (not eligible to vote by the Nov 5, 2024 election): $30 which covers the cost of their meal
Registration at the door is:
- Delegates and alternates: $85
- Guests over the age of 18: $85
- Underaged guests (not eligible to vote by the Nov 5, 2024 election): $40 which covers the cost of their meal
Delegates, alternates, and guests can register early and pay online with a credit card or by check payable to 'SD 31 Republicans' and sent to:
SD 31 Treasurer, P.O. Box 82, MN 55304.
In-person registration on the day of the convention is by cash or check payable to “SD 31 Republicans.” Credit/Debit cards will not be accepted at the door.
PCR Refund: The Convention registration fees (minus the dinner) are eligible for refund by the Political Contribution Refund (PCR) program by the State of Minnesota. A PCR receipt for $50 and an application form will be provided to all registrants. Note: All eligible MN voters can get a PCR refund of $75 in 2024, however, you can only submit one application. So you may want to wait until you have donation receipts totaling $75 before you submit your PCR application.
Buffet Dinner is Included
A buffet dinner is included in the registration fee. Coffee and water is also included. A cash bar will be available (not included in registration fee). The cost of purchases from the cash bar will be the responsibility of the person ordering.
Convention Documents
Please review the SD 31 constitution, convention rules, and agenda and provide feedback to the Constitution and Rules committee chairs prior to the convention.
- Proposed SD 31 Constitution and Proposed Standard Operating Procedures
- Constitution Committee Chair, Brian Rule,
- SD 31 Convention Proposed Agenda and Proposed Convention Rules
- Rules Committee Chair, Margaret Miller,
Search and Nominating Committee
Anyone seeking to run for the MN House for 31A or 31B must appear before the Search and Nominating Committee. For more information, please contact the Search and Nominating Committee Chair, Jeri Bates at
👉 Anyone seeking election as a CD6 or State Convention delegate or alternate must sign up on the self-nominating form at the registration desk at the convention.
2024 Convention Schedule

SD31 Republican Precinct Caucuses - COMPLETED!
Tues, Feb 27, 2024 at Andover High School
- Elect Precinct officers
- Elect Precinct delegates & alternates
- Submit resolutions
Who can attend caucus: Republican-aligned eligible voters who reside in the precinct.

SD31 Republican Convention
Sat, March 30, 2024 at Courtyards of Andover
- Endorse MN House candidate
- Elect CD & State delegates & alternates
- Conduct party business
Who can attend: Republican delegates and alternates elected at the precinct caucus.

CD6 Republican Convention
Sat, May 4, 2024, Mayer Lutheran High School in Mayer, MN
- Endorse Congressional candidate
- Review resolutions and party platform
- Elect national delegates & alternates
Who can attend: Republican delegates and alternates elected at the SD31 Republican Convention.

MN Republican State Convention
May 16-18, 2024 at
St. Paul River Center
- Endorse statewide candidates
- Review resolutions & party platform
- Elect national delegates & alternates
Who can attend: Republican delegates and alternates elected at the SD31 Republican Convention.

Republican National Convention
July 15-18, 2024 in Milwaukee, WI
- Endorse a Presidential candidate
- Conduct party business
Who can attend: Republican delegates and alternates elected at either a CD Convention or the State Convention.