Precinct Caucuses & Conventions
Attending Precinct Caucus is the very 1st step in the political process where eligible voters get a chance to be involved in selecting party leaders, defining our MN Party Platform and electing delegates and alternates.
The conventions that follow precinct caucuses are attended by delegates and alternates who are elected to represent us at those meetings.
👉YOU are invited to participate in the process! It starts at the precinct caucus. See the dates and details below.

Senate District 31 Precinct Caucus and Convention Schedule

SD31 Republican Precinct Caucuses
Tues, Feb 27, 2024 at Andover High School
- Elect Precinct officers
- Elect Precinct delegates & alternates
- Submit resolutions
Who can attend caucus: Republican-aligned eligible voters who reside in the precinct.

SD31 Republican Convention
Sat, March 30, 2024 at Courtyards of Andover
- Endorse MN House candidate
- Elect CD & State delegates & alternates
- Conduct party business
Who can attend: Republican delegates and alternates elected at the precinct caucus.

CD6 Republican Convention
Sat, May 4, 2024, Mayer Lutheran High School in Mayer, MN
- Endorse Congressional candidate
- Review resolutions and party platform
- Elect national delegates & alternates
Who can attend: Republican delegates and alternates elected at the SD31 Republican Convention.

MN Republican State Convention
May 16-18, 2024 at
St. Paul River Center
- Endorse statewide candidates
- Review resolutions & party platform
- Elect national delegates & alternates
Who can attend: Republican delegates and alternates elected at the SD31 Republican Convention.

Republican National Convention
July 15-18, 2024 in Milwaukee, WI
- Endorse a Presidential candidate
- Conduct party business
Who can attend: Republican delegates and alternates elected at either a CD Convention or the State Convention.
Who can participate in the Precinct Caucus
- Eligible voters who are 18 years old by the November General Election
- Anyone under the age of 18 can attend as a guest
- Those who live in a precinct within the Senate District 31 boundaries
- Those who are NOT affiliated with another political party
What happens at the Precinct Caucus
- Caucus attendees will first appoint someone to run the meeting for the night (a Convener) and a Secretary to help with the paperwork. Eligible voters can run for and vote on these roles. (We generally try to appoint conveners BEFORE the caucus and provide training, but caucus attendees may select someone else to convene the meeting, if desired.)
- Then local Precinct Officers will be elected. These roles include a Precinct Chair, Precinct Vice Chair and Precinct Secretary; any eligible voters within that precinct can run for these positions.
- Caucus attendees will then elect Delegates and Alternates to represent the precinct at the Senate District 31 Convention; any eligible voters within that precinct can run for these positions.
- Finally, attendees will review and vote on the MN GOP Platform recommendations/resolutions brought forward by caucus attendees.
The caucus typically last 1-hour (possibly a little longer if there is a lot of discussion on resolutions).
What does a Precinct Delegate do?
If you are elected a delegate for your precinct, there are a lot of things you can do. You can make the most of it.
- Representation: Continue as a delegate to Conventions at the local, Congressional, State, and National level.
- Decision making and governance: Participate as a voting member of the local Party BPOU (Basic Political Organizational Unit).
- Outreach: Be an informed person in the community to help motivate and guide voters.
- Education: Gain information by attending Party meeting.
- Engagement: Attend events and support Party efforts.
- Network: Connect with other conservatives.
NOTE- Delegates serve for a 2-year period and are part of the party, they have the ability to elect party leadership during odd year conventions. Delegates are a critical component of an informed electorate.